Tuesday 5 August 2014

Pakistani Food Recipes Images Pictures Chicken Biryani Names Recipes in Urdu Chicken Dishes Recipes in English Menu

Healthy Food Recipes
Source:- Google.com.pk
Eating well helps keep us healthy and active and thus improves our enjoyment of life. Good diets and eating habits are fundamental for proper growth and development and for the prevention of disease. A number of different and very serious health problems are caused by poor diets and poor nutrition. Many of these problems handicap people for their entire lives; some of them lead to death. Learning how to meet our nutritional needs throughout life by making good food choices for a healthful balanced diet can help us avoid or prevent many of these health problems. Eating well for good health requires a basic knowledge of foods and the nutrients they provide and an understanding of our nutritional needs throughout the various stages of life. With this knowledge we can practice good, life-long eating habits that will help us be as healthy as we can be.
A healthy diet is one of the best tools for managing diabetes. A regular schedule of meals or snacks that includes the right nutrients, in the right amounts, will help keep glucose levels, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and weight under control. But consistently eating well can be a challenge. And no single diet is right for everyone. That is why it is important to identify individual needs and preferences and plan accordingly. These tips can help:
Make a plan – With your doctor or dietitian, create personal guidelines for your daily diet, including amounts and kinds of foods, frequency and times to eat, and whether weight maintenance or weight loss is one of your objectives. Be sure to consider medications, including insulin, and exercise when you make your plan.
Eat a balanced diet – Choose from all of the food groups, including vegetables, fruits, lean meat, fish and poultry, beans, low – fat dairy products, and whole grains.
Check portion size – If you are trying to lose weight, cut back on the portion size to help reduce calorie intake. To learn more on Portion Control,
Increase meal/snack frequency – Spread your calorie intake throughout the day with small, more frequent meals and snacks to help keep glucose levels steady.
Choose low – glycemic index carbohydrates –The glycemic index (GI) is a value assigned to foods based on their effects on post – meal blood glucose levels. For example, foods with a low GI, such as lentils, prunes, or apples, will be digested and absorbed more slowly than white rice, baked potatoes, or other high GI foods. Foods high in mono unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), such as nuts, cashews, avocados, olive oil and canola oil, also have a low GI. Diets high in MUFA may have beneficial effects on blood lipid levels compared to a high carbohydrate diet.
Monitor your diet regularly – Keep a diary to track the kinds and amounts of food you eat, along with your glucose levels and weight – see how the foods in your diet influence glycemic control and weight management.
Pakistani Food Recipes Images Pictures Chicken Biryani Names Recipes in Urdu Chicken Dishes Recipes in English Menu
Pakistani Food Recipes Images Pictures Chicken Biryani Names Recipes in Urdu Chicken Dishes Recipes in English Menu
Pakistani Food Recipes Images Pictures Chicken Biryani Names Recipes in Urdu Chicken Dishes Recipes in English Menu
Pakistani Food Recipes Images Pictures Chicken Biryani Names Recipes in Urdu Chicken Dishes Recipes in English Menu
Pakistani Food Recipes Images Pictures Chicken Biryani Names Recipes in Urdu Chicken Dishes Recipes in English Menu
Pakistani Food Recipes Images Pictures Chicken Biryani Names Recipes in Urdu Chicken Dishes Recipes in English Menu
Pakistani Food Recipes Images Pictures Chicken Biryani Names Recipes in Urdu Chicken Dishes Recipes in English Menu

Pakistani Food Recipes Images Pictures Chicken Biryani Names Recipes in Urdu Chicken Dishes Recipes in English Menu
Pakistani Food Recipes Images Pictures Chicken Biryani Names Recipes in Urdu Chicken Dishes Recipes in English Menu
Pakistani Food Recipes Images Pictures Chicken Biryani Names Recipes in Urdu Chicken Dishes Recipes in English Menu
Pakistani Food Recipes Images Pictures Chicken Biryani Names Recipes in Urdu Chicken Dishes Recipes in English Menu

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